The Japanese Bitters – Hinoki 100ml
The long nation of Japan expands from north to south with four distinct seasons. Japan being fortunate with mountains, seas, and villages, the natural environment give rise to the production of various natural ingredients. In other words, it is no exaggeration that the nature of Japanese-styled food, called “Washoku”, is supported by a diversity of Nature’s blessings; the most natural blessings of Japan. The Japanese Bitters is the world’s first domestically produced aromatic bitters that uses only the finest ingredients born from the natural blessings of Japan. While utilizing the freshness of the ingredients, The Japanese Bitters is created by using these ingredients to its fullest potential. Recently, cocktail bitters are booming all across the globe. Many other brands such as the standard Angostura Bitters, are on sale all over the world. Now, we are introducing Japan’s very first Japanese flavored bitters.