Walter Caesar’s Classic – 946ml
946ml (32.1oz)
Walter Classic Mix is the original and flagship flavor offered by the brand. It is a pre-seasoned Caesar mix that delivers a perfect balance of flavors, making it a go-to choice for Caesar cocktail enthusiasts. The mix is classically seasoned with hot sauce, spices, and Worcestershire sauce, ensuring a well-rounded and satisfying taste.
The ingredients in Walter Classic Mix include tomato paste, organic cane sugar, concentrated lemon juice, clam juice (shellfish), sea salt, salt, organic tamari (water, organic soybeans), organic vinegar, spices, onion powder, garlic powder, hot pepper sauce (vinegar, red pepper), and horseradish. It’s important to note that the mix contains clams (shellfish) and soybeans.
Walter Classic Mix is ready-to-serve, allowing you to create a perfect Caesar cocktail every time. Simply add your favorite spirit, typically vodka, although you can experiment with other spirits like tequila, gin, or even red wine. The mix provides a flavorful base that can be customized to your preference by adding extra spices or garnishments. Whether you enjoy a classic Caesar or like to personalize your cocktail, Walter Classic Mix offers a high-quality and authentic option to elevate your Caesar-drinking experience.